Business Account Software

Released on: November 25, 2007, 11:52 pm

Press Release Author: Data Recovery Forums

Industry: Financial

Press Release Summary: Account Pro financial application tool forecasts every
expense and revenue account plans for further business planning. Software tool
generates monthly and yearly planning reports automatically and shows as a whole

Press Release Body: Handling of Accounting with Account Pro software is very easily
and efficiently. Besides Account Pro software tool, all accounting application tool
have erroneous entries which needs either to neutralized (canceled) or corrected by
additional entries, but Account Pro software tool allows direct correction of such
entries. Account Pro software tool avoids the terms \'Debit\' and \'Credit\' for data
entry and uses sign due to this data entry much faster and easier as compared to
other account tool. Nevertheless, the displays and printouts are in accordance with
normal accounting terminology. In addition to the normal accounting capabilities,
the program has special capabilities that allow efficient financial planning and
forecasting. Monthly budgets as well as monthly forecasts can be entered for every
expense and revenue account. Monthly and yearly planning reports facilitate an
overview of the system as a whole. With these features, realistic forecasts of the
financial result at the end of the accounting period can be made at any time. An
accounting period can have a length of between two days and one year. It can start
in any month and it may overlap two calendar years. The data capacities are as
follows: - 2000 accounting systems - 20000 accounts per system - 200,000 (double
entry) transactions per system and business year - 200 standard transactions - 200
recurring transactions - 200 currencies - 2000 cost centers/projects.

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